Woodhaven Middle School Sun Run Team Fundraising!

Dear Woodhaven Community,
This year, we are taking 29 student runners to Vancouver, in April, to run in the Sun Run 10 kilometer event. Given the ever-increasing costs in our current economic environment, we are doing some fund-raising to help enrich the students' experience while on the trip.
One way that you can help is by registering with 'Skip the Depot', having your bottles and cans picked up, and donating the refund to Woodhaven Middle School Sun Run Team.
It's quite simple, and any donations made this way will be greatly appreciated.
You just need to:
1) Follow the link: https://app.skipthedepot.com/
2) Register online
3) When you have bottles and cans to recycle, book a pick-up online. On the pick-up day, you leave the bagged items outside, where they are picked up by Skip the Depot.
4) Since you would have registered through the link above, the refund will be donated automatically to the Woodhaven Sun Run Team.
Finally, you can help even more by sharing the link with anyone else who might be willing to contribute their recyclables refund!
Thank you so much for your consideration,