April 26, 2024
Posted on April 26 2024Spring League basketball continues today after school in the large gym. Today there are games for the boys league!
Spring League basketball continues today after school in the large gym. Today there are games for the boys league!
Girls Gr. 6- 9 Soccer Try-out after school today from 3:15- 4:20 outside on the back field. Good luck to our senior badminton team as they host Greystone today after school in the small gym for a game!…
Happy Tuesday everyone and very a special welcome to the many principals, assistant principals and Parkland School Division leaders who are meeting today in the library. We appreciate all that you do…
Happy Earth Day! Here at Woodhaven we will be celebrating Earth Week this week. All week long you are able to bring in dead AA or AAA batteries so they can be recycled instead of in landfills. Every…
Today’s lunch and learn topic is Game of big decisions!!! Have fun making big decisions for your game character. Meet in Mr Telianis room at lunch(12:05). Screenagers rehearsal tomorrow 10-5. Please…
Baseball Club today at Lunch Recess. Don’t forget to bring your permission slips. Good luck to our junior badminton team as they host the Woodhaven Badminton Challenge tournament starting tonight! Today…
Grade 7s in the Strategies option should bring their Chromebooks to class today. Spring League basketball continues today after school in the large gym. Today is the second game day for the girls league!…
Today at lunch recess there will be a girls soccer skills session for Grade 7-9, in the small gym. No shin guards needed just running shoes. Don't be shy! Drop by and check it out! Senior badminton…
We are working on a Wednesday Schedule Spring League basketball continues today after school for the grades 4-5-6 in the large gym. Today is the 2nd day of the skills camp for the girls group 3:15-4:45pm.…
Woodhaven Baseball Club meets tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring permission slips! If anyone is missing a pair of glasses, please come to the office, several pairs have been turned in. Grade 7 French…
If you are in grades 7-9 and interested in playing co-ed soccer for our Wolfpack school team please head to the small gym today at lunch recess to get more information and sign up. Good luck to our senior…
We will be having indoor recess at lunchtime today due to the Solar Eclipse. Congratulations to our senior badminton team for successfully hosting the Woodhaven Badminton Challenge tournament this past…
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