Monday, October 4
A huge thanks goes out to all Woodhaven staff and students for a very successful Terry Fox run on Friday! If you forgot to get your “Toonie for Terry” handed into the office you can still do that today!
Congratulations to our junior A volleyball teams for successfully hosting their tournament this past weekend. Both the junior A boys and girls did a fantastic job representing our school!
Good luck to our Junior B volleyball teams as they play games tonight in our barn versus SPC. Both the Junior B boys and girls will be happening right after school in the large gym.
The senior girls volleyball team is reminded they have practice today after school in the small gym 3:15-4:30pm.
The Jr. A Boys play this evening right after school just down the street at St. Thomas Aquinas. Please meet Mr. Shaw out front of the school at the end of the day for our arrival time at STA.
X-Country running - Woodhaven is hosting our annual X-country race this Thursday after school. All Woodhaven students can participate in this race. All you need to do is talk to Mr. Bock to sign up. Mr. Bock is also looking for a few race rabbitts (these are students willing to ride their bikes on the course as a guide for the runners). If this interests you, please talk to Mr. Bock to get signed up!