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September 5, 2024

If you’re a grade 7-9 student who is interested in being in Drama Club and performing in the full length play this year, Mrs. MC will be holding a meeting in the Drama room during lunch recess on Monday to talk about this year’s play.

There will be an important Cross Country Team meeting for all runners tomorrow at lunch recess in Mr. Bock’s room. We will be distributing team clothing and running singlets for next week’s race.

Congratulations to the Jr A Girls Volleyball Team! The Final Roster will be posted on the bulletin board in the gym at lunch recess today. Our first practice will be tomorrow, Friday, September 6th, 3:15pm-4:30pm.

**Ms. Heisler and Mrs. Saunders would like to send a special thank you to everyone who came to try out for the team! We wish that there was a spot for all of you; you made our decisions very difficult! 

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