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September 9, 2024

If you’re a grade 7-9 student who is interested in being in Drama Club and performing in the full length play this year, Mrs. MC will be holding a meeting in the Drama room during lunch recess on Monday to talk about this year’s play. 

If you are interested in trying out for the Junior B Boys volleyball team, (grade 6 boys) please come to the small gym tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12:05 to get some information. Tryout will be this Thursday at 12:05 only.  

Senior boys volleyball team has a practice after school today 3:15-4:30pm in the large gym.

Junior A Boys - Please come to Mr. Vanden Pol’s classroom at recess today to get information about this week’s games and tournaments.

Intramural Volleyball - This week we will be starting some intramural volleyball for the grade 7,8,9’s during the lunch recess. Any grade 7-8-9 student who is interested in playing some volleyball during the recess break is invited to come to the large gym to play this week. Proper footwear must be worn in the gym if you want to play! 

Workers will be on site at the basketball court today, for repairs. The court and area will be closed. The 5/6 entrance remains open, but students should stay close to the building and away from equipment when passing by.

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