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September 16, 2024

Congratulations to our senior boys volleyball team for finishing 3rd this past weekend in the Greystone tournament! 

Congratulations to our Jr A boys and girls volleyball teams for successfully hosting their tournament this past weekend here at Woodhaven. Both the Jr A boys and Jr A girls played fantastic and improved their skills as the weekend went on! Well done! 

This Thursday, Woodhaven is hosting its annual Cross Country Race after school over at Brookwood field. We are still in need of some volunteers . Any students interested in being a “rabbit” which involves riding the race course on their bike ahead of the runners, please speak with Mme Davis, Mr. Bock or Mr Rink. Also any more staff members who would be able to stay after school to help out in some way, please let us know. Your help is so appreciated!

There will be a Jr. B girls volleyball tryout today at lunch recess in the small gym.  This is for interested grade 6 and 7 students.

Grade 5 and 6 French students please bring your computers to class today, and bring your art supplies if you still can not log in to your device.

There will be a short meeting for all Jr. A girls volleyball players in the music room at the beginning of lunch recess.

Grade 7 Reffing Options will start in Mr. Vanden Pol’s room today instead of the small gym. Bring your chromebooks.

Do you love taking photos and editing videos? Woodhaven is starting a Student Media Team that would be responsible for covering our school events like the Terry Fox Run and assemblies and making sure that we capture all the awesome moments. If you would be interested in joining, meet Miss Farris and Ms. Wiens in the Library tomorrow at lunch. 

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